Ad te levavi animam meam; Deus meus in te confido. Non erubeseam: neque irrideant me inimici mei; etenim universi qui te exspectant; non confudentur. Vias tuas domine demonstra mihi: et semitas tuas edoceme. Gloria patri.
All my heart goes out to thee; my God, I trust in thee, do not belie my trust. Let not my enemies boast of my downfall. Who ever waited for thy help, and waited in vain? V. Lord, let me know thy ways,teach me thy paths (Ps 24:1–3).
Advent is finally here. It's been a crazy fall, and I am looking forward very much to a quiet, reflective time of preparation for the nativity of Our Lord.
Advent is also a time to think about the end times...and there are possible a lot f ends before us. Right now, the ND Stanford game just came on. Is it going to be the end of the Charile Weis era? I guess we will see. What a good way to begin Advent, though. The football season ends. Time to look forward to more quiet weekends...We'll see the results of the end of our season soon...
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