Sorry for the lack of recent postings. It's summer, so sometimes I don't feel like the Internet beckons. That or a 56k dial-up is really annoying...
I went to Mass at the Cathedral of the Madeleine on Sunday, which happened to be the parish Feast Day, of St. Mary Magdalene. The Cathedral Choir and Choristers were present, and sang amazing pieces by Palestrina, Alonso Lobo, and Gabrieli. I have realized what a truly wonderful and beautiful treasure we have here in this otherwise Catholic desert.
Coming back from Krakow, a place that one could argue is the heart of Polish Catholicism, I have truly realized how much of a mission land this state still is, and how much the hope and good lies ahead for the history of the Catholic Church in this state.
As you may know, the Diocese of Salt Lake City is bishop-less, after Bishop George Niederauer became the Archbishop of Sodom, ummm...I mean San Francisco. Let's pray for a great, holy new bishop, who will guide this local church into the bright future ahead, and who will respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit with the coming of the New Evangelization.
That's a great story. Waiting for more. »
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